Colloidal Silver For Cats Cold

Some claim that colloidal silver helps prevent all types of flu, including swine flu, as well as the common cold.
Colloidal silver for cats cold. Also, it can be stored in clear and/or plastic containers. It is not sensitive to light and won’t damage the plastic. I actually had to use colloidal silver on one of my cats’ mouths shortly after i wrote this post and am currently working on a post about it to be published soon.
Colloidal silver is an extremely safe and natural antibiotic for cats of all sizes and ages, including very young kittens. Colloidal silver will help your cat’s uri for sure, but in my. However, no studies prove whether colloidal silver for cats is a good idea, or if it could harm them.
Treats and prevents the common cold and flu’s: Colloidal silver may be used to treat over 650 diseases, ailments and disorders in cats and other animals, including humans. Cold like symptoms can be caused by either a viral or bacterial infection, although a viral infection is usually more common.
Cs can be used both internally and externally, to attack the germ from the inside out and the outside in. Small amounts taken daily can boost your immune system and help to prevent colds and flu’s. Colloidal silver dosages for dogs and cats.
By making our own colloidal silver we’ve saved $11,503.20 this year alone, compared to the cost of colloidal silver at our local health food store. Tell me about your cats in the comments: Colloidal silver has been used to successfully treat cats and dogs for many years.
Colloidal silver destroys pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, which may be the reason why airborne allergy sufferers often find such dramatic relief from colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is a great immune builder and works well for conditions that may call for treating infections. You can support their immune system just like you do your own with a small amount of colloidal silver in their water bowl (and for outdoor cats, it can even help keep it a bit more fresh).
Human medications are usually toxic to cats and can make them worse instead of better. Bacterial infections an be caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae, bordatella bronchiseptica, and chlamydia psittaci bacteria. Colloidal silver dosages for dogs and cats.
The silver in colloidal silver products gets deposited into organs such as the skin, liver, spleen, kidney, muscle, and brain. Some people claim it can cure a cold faster, heal the body better, and even treat cancer or hiv. Thank you for stopping by and for leaving such a nice comment!
Colloidal silver is also an all. Colloidal silver is a natural antiviral and antibacterial agent. You can find some great brands at whole foods or even a natural health clinic or store.
Keep some high quality colloidal silver on hand. Benefits of colloidal silver for cats. In this case, is colloidal silver safe for cats?
Whether you are looking for a natural health supplement, a preventative, or a good way to boost your dog or cat's immunity and build natural resistance, colloidal silver for dogs, cats and all pets is the affordable way to treat your pet, naturally. Colloidal silver is often touted as an antibacterial agent and a topical wound dressing. In a study, with 100 children who had nasal congestion and the common cold, one group was treated with a saline solution and the other with a solution of beta glucan and colloidal silver.
As with any new medication in life, i decided to buy a 30ppm colloidal silver solution at the local drugstore which set me back about $28. I finally sat down and figured out how much this machine has been saving us. The two most common viruses that cause upper respiratory infections in cats are calici and herpes.
Eye infections, cuts, abscesses, stomach ailments, skin rashes, eye infections. This can lead to an irreversible bluish looking skin that first. So, we're going to talk about five home remedies for colds in cats.
The poor feline has no idea what’s going on to begin with, and the silver does sting for a quick second. You will know a true colloidal silver because it will be dark in color, but it will not foam when shaken. Unfortunately, you can't just give your pet some cold medicine and hope for the best.
Colloidal silver has been used in the treatment of cats with ulcerative and infective skin conditions due to flea infestation, mange, dermatitis, as well any eye, ear, mouth or throat infections, cuts, wounds, bites, abscess, conjunctivitis, internal and external ulcers etc. Having colloidal silver for supporting pets naturally is a must have for every pet owner! How does colloidal silver treat herpes?
Experts claim that colloidal silver can help prevent most kinds of flu, even swine flu, and the common cold. This is the most effective form of colloidal silver. The cure for the common cold and other illnesses.
According to a study done in 2004, colloidal silver and antimicrobial properties are all fiction.however, as recent as 2013, one study took ionic silver and tested its antimicrobial effects against various strains of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. I began to use it on my 2 cats who had somehow contracted herpes from their cattery in their days as kittens. Just like humans, our pets can get a cold and be miserable for a few days.
Use this homemade mouthwash once daily. Benefits of colloidal silver for dogs and cats. It tastes like water and is safe to use with cats.
Testing colloidal silver on my cats with herpes. It proved to inhibit bacterial and viral growth, but it wasn’t effective against fungi. The list goes on and on.
The list of what you can use colloidal silver for with cats is varied and lengthy, but here are some of the common uses: