Colloidal Silver For Cats Eyes

This is the most effective form of colloidal silver.
Colloidal silver for cats eyes. Colloidal silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic. However, silver has powerful antibacterial properties which have been known about for thousands of years, with hippocrates (the father of. It is not sensitive to light and won’t damage the plastic.
Others used a pump spray bottle with a fine mist to lightly spray a bit of colloidal silver into their eyes. The poor feline has no idea what’s going on to begin with, and the silver does sting for a quick second. Colloidal silver benefits, uses and dosages for cats.
Give it a try and you will be surprised2!! It acts as a natural antibiotic for cat’s health. Most people simply put a few drops into their eyes at a time.
Colloidal silver uses for the eyes and ears. Colloidal silver has surprising benefits for cat health care. Colloidal silver is an excellent antibiotic, because of its antimicrobial strength.
Your body does not require or use silver for any process; My kitchen pantry and bathroom drawer look like a natural health store. Colloidal silver can be added to cat food and mixed in.
As with any new medication in life, i decided to buy a 30ppm colloidal silver solution at the local drugstore which set me back about $28. I have never had a cat turn down their food with colloidal silver in or on it. Colloidal silver may be applied as liquid suspension drops directly into the skin, ears, eyes and nose.
Colloidal silver uses for the eyes include misting the entire face with eyes open or using an eyedropper to deliver a stronger dose. Pure ionic colloidal silver hydrosol use for the eyes and ears is an excellent choice when experiencing eye and ear ailments. Colloidal silver has been used in the treatment of cats with ulcerative and infective skin conditions due to flea infestation, mange, dermatitis, as well any eye, ear, mouth or throat infections, cuts, wounds, bites, abscess, conjunctivitis, internal and external ulcers etc.
The silver in colloidal silver products gets deposited into organs such as the skin, liver, spleen, kidney, muscle, and brain. Thank you for stopping by and for leaving such a nice comment! I’ve got bottles and tubes of homeopathy, herbal remedies, supplements, chinese herbs, flower essences, essential oils, colloidal silver and all kinds of health products for the random colds, coughs, or flu my husband or i may have encountered over the years.
Some used colloidal silver in a shot glass as an eyewash. Colloidal silver (cs) is an extremely safe and natural antibiotic for cats of all sizes and ages, including very young kittens. I began to use it on my 2 cats who had somehow contracted herpes from their cattery in their days as kittens.
Colloidal silver, (sometimes referred to as sovereign silver), is a simple solution of distilled water with suspended particles of the precious metal. Colloidal silver compounds have been used as topical antiseptics, disinfectants, and germicides. How to administer colloidal silver to cats.
Testing colloidal silver on my cats with herpes. Also, it can be stored in clear and/or plastic containers. The list of what you can use colloidal silver for with cats is varied and lengthy, but here are some of the common uses:
In this case, is colloidal silver safe for cats? An oral syringe full of colloidal silver straight into their mouth water bowl as well can, if used consistently do the job in a short time. The list goes on and on.
Currently treating one of the cats for what i think was an infection in both eyes caused by a scratch, possibly inside one of the eyes. However, no studies prove whether colloidal silver for cats is a good idea, or if it could harm them. It is widely used as a disinfectant in hospitals where infections can be easily spread.
The surprising power of colloidal silver. If you are tired of all the antibiotics and steroids given by the vet for your cat. Use of colloidal silver in the eyes.
I have been using hot wet compresses with a combination of bentonite clay, turmeric powder, colloidal silver. Benefits of colloidal silver for cats. These are the 11 healing properties or benefits of colloidal silver that have been proven by medical literature.
Have also put the colloidal silver drops directly into his eyes which seems the most effective. You will know a true colloidal silver because it will be dark in color, but it will not foam when shaken. I've read quite a few random comments on this site and wondered if someone could just give me the definitive 'using colloidal silver with cats' advice (from those with direct experience).
Colloidal silver is a natural antiviral and antibacterial agent. James balch, m.d., author of the bestselling book prescriptions for nutritional healing, you can indeed use colloidal silver directly in your eyes for pink eye and other eye infections (i.e., conjunctivitis). Colloidal silver has been used to successfully treat cats and dogs for many years.
In the meantime, colloidal silver should definitely help with your cat. It may also be ingested in its liquid form or can be made into a paste, salve or cream to be applied to wounds, burns, sores, bites, stings, skin infections or parasite infestations. Cs can be used both internally and externally, to attack the germ from the inside out and the outside in.
Eye infections, cuts, abscesses, stomach ailments, skin rashes, eye infections. A few drops of colloidal silver makes an ideal eyewash for dogs and cats with eye infections2. If your cat is not eating, and you are feeding with a dropper or giving liquid supplements, colloidal silver can be added to the mix.
I actually had to use colloidal silver on one of my cats’ mouths shortly after i wrote this post and am currently working on a post about it to be published soon. This can lead to an irreversible bluish looking skin that first. Colloidal silver is also an all.
I have a boy with a compromised system who gets diarrhea very easily and is sensitive to quite a few things.